Dr. James “Jim” Burden, DDS
James “Jim” Burden is an accomplished doctor with a warm personality and an indisputable passion for dentistry.
Gain clarity in order to determine the perfect exit strategy.
With over 2,000 hours of continuing education under his belt, Dr. Burden has distinguished himself from his peers as an expert in microdentistry and other advanced techniques. His relationship with Freedom Dental Partners began as an opportunity for gaining more knowledge about what is possible when designing a transition plan. But in the process, he discovered far better alternatives than the traditional model which he had been considering.
“The exit strategy I had at the time I became a member of Freedom Dental Partners was wrong. Over the past 18 months since I’ve been a part of this community, my exit strategy has developed into something I didn’t know was possible.”
The information Dr. Burden learned through Freedom Dental Partners helped to reshape the vision he had for what his future could be. The connections he formed with other members and Freedom Dental Partners’ staff of experts has transformed Dr. Burden’s mindset and positively impacted how he makes decisions for his future. Consequently, his practice has grown in ways he hadn’t anticipated, and his career path has expanded in a new direction.
Being a part of a dentist-owned, dentist-led DSO is not something he initially envisioned, but he’s jumped in with both feet ready to contribute his wisdom from the 20 years he’s spent honing his craft. The opportunity to be on the founding level of this ambitious project is a satisfying and mind blowing leg of Dr. Burden’s journey with Freedom Dental Partners.
When asked what he’d say to anyone considering becoming a member of the Freedom Dental Partners community, his advice is clear: “Do it. Hands down. If nothing else, become a member, learn about the process, meet other doctors, and implement.” For James Burden, the value of belonging to Freedom Dental Partners is far more than financial. It’s about being equipped to create the future you truly want.